Agile Software Development
- J. Kim, S. Cho and B. Ramesh, “IT-leveraged network value cocreation: A case study of the value cocreation process and value capture in the South Korean broadcast advertising industry”, European Journal on Information Systems, Volume 28, No. 6. pp: 646-662, 2019.
- Tian, J. Li, W. Li, G, Luo, B. Ramesh, Z. Cai, “Optimal Contract-Based Mechanisms for Online Data Trading Markets”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 6 No. 5, 2019. pp: 7800-7810. Doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2902528. (5-year impact factor: 11.705)
- Mohan, L. Cao, S. Sarkar, B. Ramesh, “Adapting IT Governance Practices for the Changing IT Function”, IEEE IT Professional, Volume 21, No. 1, pp: 27-33, 2019.
- Ramesh, B., Cao, L., Kim, J., Mohan, K., & James, T. (2018). Consider Culture When Implementing Agile Practices. Sloan Management Review, October 2018.
- Ramesh, B., Cao, L., Kim, J., Mohan, K., & James, T. (2017). Conflicts and Complements Between Eastern Cultures and Agile Methods: An Empirical Investigation. European Journal of Information Systems, 26(2), 206-235.
- Cao, L., Mohan, K., Ramesh, B., & Sarkar, S. (2013). Adapting Funding Processes for Agile IT Projects: An Empirical Investigation. European Journal of Information Systems, 22(2), 191-205.
- Cao, L., Mohan, K., Ramesh, B., & Sarkar, S. (2013). Evolution of Governance: Achieving Ambidexterity in IT Outsourcing. Journal of Management Information Systems, 30(3), 115-140.
- Ramesh, B., Mohan, K., & Cao, L. (2012). Ambidexterity in Agile Distributed Development: An Empirical Investigation. Information Systems Research, 23(2), 323-339.
- Ramesh, B., Cao, L., & Baskerville, R. (2010). Agile Requirements Engineering Practices and Challenges: An Empirical Study. Information Systems Journal, 20(5), 449-480.
- Cao, L., Ramesh, B., & Abdel-Hamid, T. (2010). Modeling Dynamics in Agile Software Development. ACM Transactions Management Information Systems, 1(1), 1-26.
- Cao, L., Mohan, K., Xu, P., & Ramesh, B. (2009). A Framework for Adapting Agile Development Methodologies. European Journal of Information Systems, 18(4), 332-343.
- Xu, P., & Ramesh, B. (2008). Impact of Knowledge Support on the Performance of Software Process Tailoring. Journal of Management Information Systems, 25(3), 277-314.
- Cao, L., & Ramesh, B. (2008). Agile Requirements Engineering Practices: An Empirical Study. IEEE Software, 25(1), 60-67.
- Xu, P., & Ramesh, B. (2007). Software Process Tailoring: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Management Information Systems, 24(2), 293-328.
- Cao, L., & Ramesh, B. (2007). Agile Software Development: Ad Hoc Practices or Sound Principles? IT Professional, 9(2), 41-47.
- Baskerville, R., Pries-Heje, J., & Ramesh, B. (2007). The Enduring Contradictions of New Software Development Approaches: A Response to ‘Persistent Problems and Practices in ISD’. Information Systems Journal, 17(3), 241-245.
- Slaughter, S., Levine, L., Ramesh, B., Pries-Heje, J., & Baskerville, R. (2006). Aligning Software Processes with Strategy. MIS Quarterly, 30(4), 891-918.
- Ramesh, B., Cao, L., Mohan, K., & Xu, P. (2006). Can Distributed Software Development Be Agile? Communications of the ACM, 49(10), 41-46.
- Baskerville, R., Ramesh, B., Levine, L., & Pries-Heje, J. (2006). High-Speed Software Development Practices: What Works, What Doesn’t. IEEE IT Professional, 8(4), 29-36.
- Baskerville, R., Ramesh, B., Levine, L., Pries-Heje, J., & Slaughter, S. (2005). The High Speed Balancing Game: How Software Companies Cope with Internet Speed. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 16(1), 11-54.
- Pries-Heje, J., Baskerville, R., Levine, L., Ramesh, B., & Slaughter, S. (2003). Is Internet-Speed Software Development Different? IEEE Software, 20, 70-77.
- Baskerville, R., Levine, L., Pries-Heje, J., & Slaughter, S. (2001). How Internet Software Companies Negotiate Quality. IEEE Computer, 34(5), 51-57.
Requirements Engineering and Traceability
- Jain, R., Cao, L., Mohan, K., & Ramesh, B. (2015). Situated Boundary Spanning: An Empirical Investigation of Requirements Engineering Practices in Product Family Development. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 5(3), 1-29.
- Mohan, K., Xu, P., Cao, L., & Ramesh, B. (2008). Improving Change Management in Software Development: Integrating Traceability and Software Configuration Management. Decision Support Systems, 45(4), 922-936.
- Mohan, K., Xu, P., & Ramesh, B. (2008). Improving the Change Management Process: Traceability Meets Configuration Management. Communications of the ACM, 51(5), 59-64.
- Mohan, K., & Ramesh, B. (2007). Traceability-Based Knowledge Integration in Group Decision and Negotiation Activities. Decision Support Systems, 43(3), 968-989.
- Ramesh, B., Jain, R., Nissen, M., & Xu, P. (2005). Managing Context in Business Process Management Systems. Requirements Engineering Journal, 10(3), 223-237.
- Ramesh, B., Pries-Heje, J., & Baskerville, R. (2002). Internet Software Engineering: A Different Class of Processes. Annals of Software Engineering, 14(1-4), 169-195.
- Ramesh, B., & Jarke, M. (2001). Toward Reference Models for Requirements Traceability. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 27(1), 58-93.
- Ramesh, B. (2000). Implementing Requirements Traceability. Cutter IT Journal, 13(5), 16-24.
- Ramesh, B. (1998). Factors Influencing Requirements Traceability Practice. Communications of the ACM, 41(12), 37-44.
- Ramesh, B. (1997). Representing and Reasoning with Traceability in Model Life Cycle Management. Annals of Operations Research, 75, 123-145.
- Ramesh, B., Stubbs, C., Powers, T., & Edwards, M. (1997). Requirements Traceability: Theory and Practice. Annals of Software Engineering, 3(1), 397-415.
- Ramesh, B., Stubbs, C., Powers, T., & Edwards, M. (1995). Lessons Learned from Implementing Requirements Traceability. The Journal of Defense Software, 8(4), 11-16.
- Ramesh, B., & (1995). An Intelligent Assistant for Requirements Validation. Journal of Systems Integration, 5(2), 157-177.
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovation
- E. Park, K. Werder, L.Cao and B. Ramesh, “Why do Family Members Reject AI in Health Care? Competing Effects of Emotions”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 2022 (in press).
- Cao, B. West, B. Ramesh, K. Mohan and S. Sarkar, “A Platform-based Approach to Ambidexterity for Innovation: An Empirical Investigation in the Public Sector”, International Journal of Information Management, 2022 (in press).
- K. Werder, B. Ramesh and R. Zhang, “Establishing Data Provenance for Responsible Artificial Intelligence Systems, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, Vol. 12, No.2, 2022.
- K. Werder, Y. Li, A. Maedche and B. Ramesh, “Software Development Process Ambidexterity and Project Performance: A Coordination Cost-Effectiveness View”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 4, 2019, pp 836-849, doi: 10.1109/TSE.2019.2904571.
- S. Sarkar, A. Vance, B. Ramesh, M. Demestihas and D.Wu, “The Influence of Professional Subculture on Information Security Policy Violations: A Field Study in a Healthcare Context,” Information Systems Research, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2020, pp 1240-1259.
- L. Tian, J. Li, W. Li, G, Luo, B. Ramesh, Z. Cai (2019), “Optimal Contract-Based Mechanisms for Online Data Trading Markets”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Accepted for publication..
- J. Kim, S. Cho and B. Ramesh, “IT-leveraged network value cocreation: A case study of the value cocreation process and value capture in the South Korean broadcast advertising industry”, European Journal on Information Systems, Volume 28, No. 6. pp: 646-662, 2019.
- Zheng, A. George, J.Kim, V. Johnson, and B. Ramesh, “Evaluating the Benefits of Blockchain Initiatives for Value-Based Care: An Extended Balanced Scorecard Framework”, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Volume 21, No. 9, 2019. Doi: 10.2196/13595.
- Beltran, G., & Ramesh, B. (2017). Dynamic Capabilities in Small Service Firms. Engaged Management Review, 1(3), Article 2.
- Battleson, D., West, B., Kim, J., Ramesh, B., & Robinson, P. (2016). Achieving Dynamic Capabilities with Cloud Computing: An Empirical Investigation. European Journal of Information Systems, 25(3), 209-230.
- Jain, R., & Ramesh, B. (2015). The Roles of Contextual Elements in Post-Merger Common Platform Development: An Empirical Investigation. European Journal of Information Systems, 24(2), 159-177.
- West, B., Battleson, D. A., Kim, J., & Ramesh, B. (2014). Achieving Dynamic Capabilities with Cloud Computing. IEEE IT Professional, 16(6), 18-24.
- Kim, J., Mohan, K., & Ramesh, B. (2014). Functional and Nonfunctional Quality in Cloud-Based Collaborative Writing: An Empirical Investigation. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 57(3), 182-203.
- Mohan, K., Ramesh, B., & Sugumaran, V. (2010). Integrating Software Product Line Engineering and Agile Development. IEEE Software, 27(3), 48-55.
- Mohan, K., & Ramesh, B. (2006). Change Management Patterns in Software Product Lines. Communications of the ACM, 49(12), 68-72.
- Kim, J., Conesa, J., & Ramesh, B. (2015). The Use of Ontology in Knowledge Intensive Tasks: Ontology Driven Retrieval of Use Cases. Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, 25(1), 25-60.
- Mohan, K., Ramesh, B., Cao, L., & Sarkar, S. (2012). Managing Disruptive and Sustaining Innovations in Green IT. IEEE IT Professional, 14(6).
- Ramesh, B., & Bui, T. (2001). GPR: A Data Mining Tool Using Genetic Programming. Communications of the AIS, 5, Article 6.
Process Knowledge Management
- Cao, L., Ramesh, B., & Rossi, M. (2009). Are Domain-Specific Models Easier to Maintain Than UML Models? IEEE Software, 26(4), 19-21.
- Xu, P., & Ramesh, B. (2008). Managing Challenges in Software Development Using Process Tailoring. IEEE IT Professional, 10(4), 39-45.
- Mohan, K., Jain, R., & Ramesh, B. (2007). Knowledge Networking to Support Medical New Product Development. Decision Support Systems, 43(4), 1255-1273.
- Mohan, K., & Ramesh, B. (2007). Tracing Variations in Software Product Families. Communications of the ACM, 50(12), 68-73.
- Mohan, K., Xu, P., & Ramesh, B. (2006). Supporting Dynamic Group Decision and Negotiation Processes: A Traceability Augmented Peer-to-Peer Network Approach. Information and Management, 43(5), 650-662.
- Rossi, M., Ramesh, B., Lyytinen, K., & Tolvanen, J. (2004). Managing Evolutionary Method Engineering by Method Rationale. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 5(9), 356-391.
- Surysekar, K., & Ramesh, B. (2003). On the Role of Accountability and Incentives in Obtaining Quality Process Documentation. Review of Business Information Systems, 7(4).
- Ramesh, B. (2002). Process Knowledge Management with Traceability. IEEE Software, 19(3), 50-52.
- Tiwana, A., & Ramesh, B. (2001). Integrating Knowledge on the Web. IEEE Internet Computing, 5(3), 32-39.
- Tiwana, A., & Ramesh, B. (2001). A Design Knowledge Management System to Support Collaborative Information Product Evolution. Decision Support Systems, 31(2), 241-262.
- Tiwana, A., & Ramesh, B. (1999). Supporting Collaborative Process Knowledge Management in New Product Development Teams. Decision Support Systems, 27(1), 213-235.
- Ramesh, B., & Sengupta, K. (1995). Multimedia in a Design Rationale Decision Support System. Decision Support Systems, 15(3), 181-196.
- Ramesh, B., & Dhar, V. (1994). Representing and Maintaining Process Knowledge for Large-Scale Systems Development. IEEE Expert, 9(2), 54-59.
- Ramesh, B., & Sengupta, K. (1994). Managing Cognitive and Mixed-motive Conflicts in Concurrent Engineering. Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, 2(3), 223-236.
- Ramesh, B., & Dhar, V. (1992). Supporting Systems Development by Capturing Deliberations during Requirements Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 18(6), 498-510.
Other Journals
- Jones, K., Baskerville, R., Sriram, R., & Ramesh, B. (2017). The Impact of Legislation on The Internal Audit Function. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 13(4), 450-470.
- Lyytinen, K., Prey, J., Germonprez, M., Ramesh, B., & Ko, D. (2005). Grant Proposal Writing in Information Systems. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 16, Article 22.
- Keil, M., Park, E., & Ramesh, B. (2018). Violations of Health Information Privacy: The Role of Attributions and Anticipated Regret in Shaping Whistle-Blowing Intentions. Information Systems Journal, 28(5), 818-848.
- Park, E., Ramesh, B., & Cao, L. (2016). Emotion in IT Investment Decision Making with A Real Options Perspective: The Intertwining of Cognition and Regret. Journal of Management Information Systems, 33(3), 652-683.
Selected Conference Publications
- Battleson, D., & Ramesh, B. (2013, September). Sensemaking in Enterprise Resource Planning Project De-escalation: An Empirical Study. Paper presented at the Third Annual International Conference on Engaged Management Scholarship, Atlanta, GA.
- Jones, K., Baskerville, R., Sriram, R., & Ramesh, B. (2013, September). The Impact of Regulation on the Internal Audit Function. Paper presented at the Third Annual International Conference on Engaged Management Scholarship, Atlanta, GA.
- Park, E., Keil, M., & Ramesh, B. (2012, August). Exploring the Role of Attribution and Emotion in Whistleblowing. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Boston, MA.
- Baskerville, R., Levine, L., Pries-Heje, J., & Ramesh, B. (2008, September). Advances in Information Systems Development: From Discipline and Predictability to Agility and Improvisation. Paper presented at the IFIP TC8 2008 Advances in Information Systems Research, Education, and Practice Conference, Milan, Italy.
- Jain, R., & Ramesh, B. (2005, August). Negotiating Strategic Business Value of BPM Systems: A Balanced Scorecard Approach. Paper presented at the 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Omaha, NE.
- Cao, L., & Ramesh, B. (2004, May). An Exploratory Study on the Effects of Pair Programming. Paper presented at the Eighth Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2004), Edinburgh, UK.
- Cao, L., Mohan, K., Xu, P., & Ramesh, B. (2004, January). How Extreme Does Extreme Programming Have to Be? Adapting XP Practices to Large-Scale Projects. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, HI.
- Xu, P., Mohan, K., Cao, L., & Ramesh, B. (2003, December). Traceability Support for Software Configuration. Paper presented at the 13th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2003), Seattle, WA.
- Bachmann, F., Goedicke, M., Leite, J., Nord, R., Pohl, K., Ramesh, B., & Vilbig, A. (2003, November). A Meta-Model for Representing Variability in Product Family Development. Paper presented at the Fifth International Workshop on Software Product-Family Engineering (PFE-5), Siena, Italy.
- Xu, P., & Ramesh, B. (2003, January). A Tool for the Capture and Use of Process Knowledge in Process Tailoring. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, HI.
- Mohan, K., & Ramesh, B. (2003, January). Ontology-Based Support for Variability Management in Product and Service Families. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, HI.
- Baskerville, R., Levine, L., Ramesh, B., Pries-Heje, J., & Slaughter, S. (2002, December). Balancing Quality and Agility in Internet Speed Software Development. Paper presented at the 23rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2002), Barcelona, Spain.
- Xu, P., & Ramesh, B. (2002, December). Towards Process Tailoring with Process Knowledge. Paper presented at the 12th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2002), Barcelona, Spain.
- Mohan, K., & Ramesh, B. (2002, January). Managing Variability with Traceability in Product and Service Families. Paper presented at the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, HI.
- Xu, P., & Ramesh, B. (2002, January). Supporting Workflow Management Systems with Traceability. Paper presented at the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, HI.
- Mohan, K., & Ramesh, B. (2002, May). An Ontology for Variability in Product Families. Paper presented at the International Conference on Software Engineering, Orlando, FL.
- Ramesh, B., Tiwana, A., & Mohan, K. (2001, October). Supporting Information Product and Service Families with Traceability. Paper presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Software Product-Family Engineering (PFE-4), Bilbao, Spain.
- Mohan, K., & Ramesh, B. (2001, July). Supporting Knowledge Integration in Group Decision and Negotiation with Knowledge Traceability. Paper presented at the International Conference of the ISDSS, Brunel, UK.
- Tiwana, A., & Ramesh, B. (2001, January). E-Services: Problems, Opportunities, and Digital Platforms. Paper presented at the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI.
- Surysekar, K., & Ramesh, B. (2001, January). On Managerial Incentives for Process Knowledge Capture and Use. Paper presented at the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI.
- Ramesh, B., & Mohan, K. (2001, January). Integrating Group Decision and Negotiation Support Systems with Work Processes. Paper presented at the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI.
- Rossi, M., Tolvanen, J., Ramesh, B., Lyytinen, K., & Kaipala, J. (2000, January). Method Rationale in Method Engineering. Paper presented at the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI.
- Tiwana, A., & Ramesh, B. (2000, January). Beyond Information: Knowledge Transfer in Distributed Telemedicine Teams. Paper presented at the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI.
- Tiwana, A., & Ramesh, B. (1999, December). Towards a Composite Metric for Electronic Commerce ROI: An Extension of the Balanced Scorecard. Paper presented at the Measurement of E-Commerce Conference.
- Tiwana, A., & Ramesh, B. (1999, July). Supporting Information Product Development. Paper presented at the International Society for Decision Support Systems Conference (ISDSS 99), Melbourne, Australia.
- Tiwana, A., & Ramesh, B. (1999, April). Identifying Knowledge Flow Problems and IT support Candidates for Process Knowledge Repositories in Product Development Groups. Paper presented at the Second Annual Conference of the Southern Association for Information Systems.
- Ramesh, B., & Bui, T. (1999, January). Negotiation Support in Network-Based Requirements Analysis. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Maui, HI.
- Ramesh, B. (1997, January). Towards a Meta-Model for Representing Organizational Memory. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Wailea, HI.
- Ramesh, B. (1995, July). Traceability in Model Lifecycle Management. Paper presented at the International Society for Decision Support Systems Conference (ISDSS 95), Hong Kong.
- Ramesh, B., & Edwards, M. (1995, March). Towards Models for Requirements Traceability. Paper presented at the IEEE International Symposium on System Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, Tucson, AZ.
- Ramesh, B., Powers, T., Stubbs, C., & Edwards, M. (1995, March). Implementing Requirements Traceability. Paper presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering, York, UK.
- Ramesh, B. (1994, September). Representing Rationale in Formal Systems Development. Paper presented at the Workshop on Increasing the Practical Impact of Formal Methods, Monterey, CA.
- Ramesh, B., & Edwards, M. (1993, January). Issues in Development of a Model for Requirements Traceability. Paper presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering, San Diego, CA.
- Ramesh, B., & Luqi. (1993, January). Process Knowledge-Based on Rapid Prototyping. Paper presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering, San Diego, CA.
- Ramesh, B. (1992, June). Role of Process Knowledge in Group Decision Support. Paper presented at the International Society for Decision Support Systems Conference, Ulm, Germany.
- Ramesh, B. (1992, June). Design Rationale Capture and Use in REMAP. Paper presented at the American Association for AI National Conference on AI workshop on Design Rationale, San Jose, CA.
- Ramesh, B. (1992, March). Process Knowledge-Based Modification in Systems Development. Paper presented at the American Association for Artificial Intelligence Spring Symposium on Computational Considerations in Modification and Reuse, Stanford, CA.
- Ramesh, B. (1992, March). Applying Artificial Intelligence to Software Problems in REMAP Project. Paper presented at the IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications: Workshop on Applying AI to Software, Monterey, CA.
- Ramesh, B., & Dhar, V. (1991, September). Representation and Maintenance of Process Knowledge for Large Scale Systems Development. Paper presented at the Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference, Syracuse, NY.
- Ramesh, B., & Dhar, V. (1989, August). Knowledge-Based Support for Software Design and Maintenance. Paper presented at the International Joint Conference on AI (IJCAI): International Workshop on Automating Software Design, Detroit, MI.
Refereed Books
- Mohan, K., Kim, J., & Ramesh, B. (2009). Evaluating Product Family Development using the Balanced Scorecard Approach. In K. Kang, V. Sugumaran, & S. Park (Eds.), Applied Software Product Line Engineering (2nd ed.): Auerbach Publications.
- Kim, J., & Ramesh, B. (2008). Using Ontology and User Profile for Web Services Query. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (2nd ed.): IGI Global Publication.
- Jain, R., & Ramesh, B. (2006). Development and Deployment of Web Services. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government, and Mobile Commerce: Idea Group Inc.
- Ramesh, B., Tiwana, A., & Mohan, K. (2002). Supporting Information Product and Service Families with Traceability Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 2290, pp. 353-363). Berlin: Springer Verlag.
- Tiwana, A., & Ramesh, B. (2001). Knowledge Management in E-Services: From Mass Customization to Service Individualization. In P. Lowry, J. Cherrington, & R. Watson (Eds.), The E-Business Handbook: CRC Press. [Revised Version of PFE-4 Conference Papers]
- Ramesh, B. (2000). Implementing Requirements Traceability. In E. Yourdon (Ed.), Requirements Engineering and Management (pp. 23-32). Arlington, MA: Cutter Information Corporation. [Reprinted from Cutter IT Journal, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp.16-24, May 2000]
- Ramesh, B., & Dhar, V. (1991). Group Support and Change Propagation in Requirements Engineering. In M. Jarke (Ed.), Development Assistance for Interactive Database Applications (pp. 221-242). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag.